Saturday, March 7, 2009

Limerick: Horse's tale

There once was a man from Nantucket,
He had a wife too but, just chuck it!
It was his horse that matters
A favorite of the latter's,
Ate her newly bought denim jacket.

Limerick, a new form of poetry writing. Learnt it here, in The Writer's Lounge.
The following link has a good set of Limericks and I'm sure you will love to check it out: Yesterday's Island


  1. When I was a kid limericks were my favorite type of poems -- they was so much fun to read. So was this one.

  2. Thanks Amias to find the fun in this ... I think this is all Limerick is all about ... a little fun!!

    Pratibha - thanks for the read :)


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Warm Regards,
Tan :)

PS: Please visit my other blog: Thus Spake Tan!