Monday, March 30, 2009

Pain is Addictive

Pastel was the sky, when I woke up
And the clock was timing nine
I rubbed my eyes and sat on the bed
Nothing seems to be fine.

I looked around and felt the angst
Smoke – was all I could see
Aloft the ashes hovering
Descending and resting on me.

Deliberately enough
I tried to move
Cautiously out of my room,
Titillating the fire
I evoked it more
Vigorously, it brought my doom –
Exasperated and dead!
Written on Prompts at:
1. One Single Impression:
Prompt 57: Smoke
2. Acrostic Only: Pain is Addictive
Also Linked to: Monday Poetry Train Revisited #21

It’s a saga that would actually never been spelt. Someone thought of it, moments before/he dies. S/he wakes up and finds her/himself in a smoky room. All around her/him was fire – ready to guzzle her/him up. The poem talks about the last feelings of that person.
A Question for the Acrostic Guru, Amias: Does it show the pain? Does the poem say that its addictive?
Well, when I asked myself, I said, “the pain must be addictive, otherwise, the person might not have been able to write/say those lines seeing cruel death up front!” (lol)

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