Friday, December 17, 2010

Today, I feel like

Today, I feel like a tissue paper
Held close,
Fresh and delicate
And then?
Pulled out frantically,
Used viciously
And thrown into the bin,
Not to return again.

Today, I feel like a tissue paper
Always in reach, yet kept far!

Today, I feel like a door mat
Costliest in mart
Laid across, to welcome all
And then?
Whoever passes by,
Clean shoes and walk on
Keeps filth out,
Not to come indoors.

Today, I feel like a door mat
Hospitable, open and smudged with dirt.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Deep, Flamboyant, Calm

Your smile endures love
That drips from your lovely lips
Your eyes soothe my soul
Your eyes soothe my soul
That drips from your lovely lips
Your smile endures love

Written for NaiSaiKu Challenge – October 2010

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Friday, December 10, 2010


Eager to know thee
Yondering death coming close
Earth still, is my home

Acrostic Haiku written for Acrostic Only
The Earth is nearing its end and I can see death at a distance; however, I still want to know more and more about my Earth, my home.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Granny's Bunny (Match)

My age old granny
And her snow white bunny
They make the best pair
Chasing each other's hair
Having left with no any

Acrostic Limerick Written for Acrostic Only

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