Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God All Mighty

Outside my window
I see the road
Carrying people and vehicles,
The road stays still
It never moves
Though it takes people to places.

An oldie clad in rag
All alone, fearful
Waiting to cross the road,
Nobody stopped for him
Resolute, unnoticed,
Waiting for a change in bode.

A child came toddling
From utter nowhere
Held his hand and took him over,
He bowed down
To kiss her chicks
Perhaps, he won’t forget that ever!

They never saw me
Looking at them
I was pleased, as the wind veered
The man turned
To his own destination
A blink and the child disappeared!

I could believe it not
I could not trust my eyes
All seemed to be so beyond belief,
I looked above
Deep, into the clouds
The clear sky brought so much relief!

I know God
That you are there
Overseeing us from all above,
Healing our souls
Easing our lives
And spreading incessant care and love!

Thank You God – for everything!

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